Articles edited by J. Derrick McClure

Article Publication Date
A. L. Kennedy 2009-01-09
Alan Cunningham 2011-06-13
Alan Warner 2008-11-18
Alasdair Gray 2008-07-15
Alasdair Gray 2008-07-15
Alexander Gerard 2010-02-12
Alexander Gray 2004-09-14
Alexander Ross 2011-01-11
Allan Ramsay 2008-04-13
Andrew Greig 2008-11-18
Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Blown to Bits 1889 2007-03-03
Dunbar, William. The Tretis of the Tua Mariit Wemen and the Wedo 1508 2010-11-24
Edwin Muir 2007-05-12
Gawin Douglas 2010-03-03
George MacDonald 2007-02-24
George Mackay Brown 2007-12-10
Gray, Alasdair. Lanark 1981 2010-10-13
Highland Clearances 2013-05-03
Hugh MacDiarmid 2005-06-21
Iain Crichton Smith 2009-01-09
Ian Hamilton Finlay 2009-06-03
James Kelman 2010-04-26
James Kelman 2010-04-26
Janice Galloway 2011-07-13
John Barbour 2005-02-03
John Buchan 2007-05-31
John Home 2005-10-31
John Knox 2006-05-31
John Wilson 2006-10-24
Knox, John. Historie of the Reformation of Religioun within the Realme of Scotland 1587 2008-01-02
Lewis Spence 2004-09-14
Liz Lochhead 2008-10-24
Macbeth 2005-12-19
MacDiarmid, Hugh. Lucky Poet 1943 2007-04-18
MacDiarmid, Hugh. To Circumjack Cencrastus 1930 2009-09-17
Neil Gunn 2005-08-29
Norman MacCaig 2009-06-03
Robert Burns 2004-10-04
Robert Crawford 2004-11-25
Scott, Walter. Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field 1808 2005-08-30
Scott, Walter. The Heart of Mid-Lothian 1818 2005-07-28
Scott, Walter. The Lady of the Lake 1810 2005-08-29
Scott, Walter. The Lay of the Last Minstrel: A Poem 1805 2005-08-30
Sir David Lindsay 2007-05-12
Sorley MacLean 2008-03-21
Susan Ferrier 2007-06-13
The Scottish Enlightenment 2008-08-13
Thomas of Ercildoune 2011-06-13
Thomas Reid 2008-07-10
Thomson, James. The Castle of Indolence 1748 2013-07-18
Violet Jacob 2004-10-04
Walter Kennedy 2007-06-13
William Fowler 2005-08-16
William Soutar 2004-09-14

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